Monday, April 7, 2014

Artists at the Nerman, pt. II

Art and religion are actually kind of similar. Hey, don't get offended just yet - think about it. They're hard to comprehend sometimes. In the wrong hands, things get messy and people get mad. And when the really provocative questions are asked, everyone gets uncomfortable. See? They're similar. At least, in the mind of a sir Dylan Mortimer.

We all want something that is a little more edgy, sparks some debate, challenges us, makes us think in a different way than we had. (sic) That’s the point, to me, of both art and religion.
                                       ~Dylan, "Kansas City Artist Dylan Mortimer Wants You To Activate His Halos, Or Not" by Laura Spencer of 89.3 FM

Seeing more in common with the two than some, the artist has blended the two in creative ways since attending Kansas City's Art Institute. He's edited many a street sign with Photoshop to feature Christian allegories, and has established nine "Prayer Booths" (see below) in Kansas City, New York City, and the space in between. His work has earned him some hateful feedback, as one might expect, but he's alright with that.

I know that sometimes, in some people’s opinion, it’s been too far, too preachy, or too this or too that. But I have no problem with making those kinds of mistakes in public, and trying to navigate and learn from it, and see what comes of it.
                                      ~Dylan, same article

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